6 aprilie 2013

Mountains in Motion: The Canadian Rockies

         Filmele de timelapse devin din ce în ce mai bune (și tehnologia avansează, mulți își cumpără echipamente tot mai sofisticate, dar și viziunea și metodele abordate sunt dintre cele mai inedite). Însă, rar dai peste un film care să prezinte și o poveste frumoasă. Nu voi intra eu în detaliile clipului de mai jos, ci vă las să citiți chiar cuvintele celor care l-au realizat și să-l savurați în tihnă:

Mountains in Motion: The Canadian Rockies is an award-winning short film documenting the life of the alpine landscape through time-lapse photography. In an effort to highlight the wildness of these mountain places and how they have inspired explorers of the past, present and future, time-lapse sequences were patiently gathered from exposed summits, by glacial lakes, and under aurora-filled skies.

Hours and even months of change lapses in a matter of seconds, providing the viewer with a rare insight into the ever-changing nature of the landscape. Weaving throughout the film are reflections of an early mountaineer, who is deeply moved by his own encounter with the mountains and the revelations of explorers who have come before him. “What is this power that lures me upwards, into the unknown,” he wonders, “that pulls me deeper, despite snow, wind and exhaustion?

WINNER - Best Cinematography - ColdSmoke Awards Film Festival - Bozeman, MT
WINNER - The People's Choice Awards - ColdSmoke Awards Film Festival - Bozeman, MT
WINNER - Best Documentary Short - Asheville Cinema Festival - Asheville, NC, USA
WINNER - Best Documentary - Atlanta Shortsfest - Atlanta, GA, USA
WINNER - Best Cinematography - Dixie Film Festival - Athens, GA, USA
FINALIST - Banff Mountain Film Festival - Banff, Alberta, Canada
FINALIST - Vancouver International Mountain Film Festival - Vancouver, BC, Canada
OFFICIAL SELECTION - Banff Mountain Film Festival - WORLD TOUR 2012 / 2013

The full, unedited music sound track to Mountains in Motion. 36 minutes of continuous music for your listening pleasure!

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